Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Eat meat and GMO dangers

Ok, to tell you the truth I don't like rare meat. It just tastes bloody. While I am on the subject of meat I always wonder what the big deal is with all these vegetarians. I tried it once for 9 months, but I just could not handle eating all that artificial soy products that began to taste all the same, processed. As time when on I returned to my love of a good T bone stake. Now I eat meat regularly.

But, with all those vegens and vegetarians out there, you have to wonder what the big deal is. They say its healthier, but I doubt that, especially with all the pesticides and GMOs out there. I think genetically modified plants are more scary than global warming. And patenting of seeds by GMO companies, which is just WRONG, plus greed, makes the future world ripe for disaster. The company owning the seed makes farmers destroy their left over each year. And if it cross breeds with non GMO wheat, for example, that new breed is also property of the original GMO owner. Disaster will happen. because these large companies make only a few breeds of seed that will eventually become infected with some disease, which will wipe out huge crops one future year, and we may have the largest man-made disaster in history. Millions will die of hunger. Just search GMO on You-tube and check it out yourself.

First step should be to make every GMO food labeled, in addition to a list of the non-plant genes used in the transgenetic process. All of it labeled, not just that it is a GMO. So that way you will know that your corn actually has some frog poison gland gene in it or your rice a bacteria virus. Study up and be sure that you know that a GMO is very different from hybrid. Hybrid is good - GMO is bad. Also on the political or legal side there should be a change to make it absolutely impossible to patent any form of life. This will dampen the drive these GMO companies have to create new and more dangerous creations.

Unfortunately, like millions of others, I cannot know what has GMO in it or not. I do know corn is almost one hundred percent GMO in the US and Canada now. So avoid corn no matter how sweet or good it tastes. These greedy companies ruined the good ancient hybrids with GMO technology making many of the original corn unavailable.

So currently I live on a low carb diet which is high in protein, read meat, and low in carbohydrates. I find I have more energy and drive. I also go for more expensive natural or organic meat when I feel its safe. I feel this gives the best health results.

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